
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Mango? (What You Need To Know)

A question many bearded dragon owners may be wondering is “can bearded dragons eat mango?”

The short answer is yes, bearded dragons can eat mangoes. However, it shouldn’t be eaten too often as it’s high in sugar and it’s low in other nutrients which can cause health issues.

There are a few other things to consider before feeding mango to your beardie, which we’ll cover in this post.

Is It Safe For Bearded Dragons To Eat Mango?

Yes, it’s safe for your bearded dragons to eat mangoes every once in a while, according to VCA Hospitals.

It should only be eaten in moderation, as it can be harmful if your beardie eats mangoes too often!

A bowl of fresh mangoes.

What Nutrients Are In Mangoes?

Mangoes offer quite a few nutrients and minerals to help keep your beardie healthy.

Vitamin C

Mangoes are high in Vitamin C, which helps your bearded dragon improve their immune system.


While it’s mainly needed in baby bearded dragons, iron should be given to bearded dragons in small quantities to maintain focus and energy.


Fiber is used to regulate digestive systems, which reduces the chance of your bearded dragon dealing with constipation or diarrhea.


Reptiles typically get their water from fruits and vegetables, so it’s no surprise to see they eat mangoes.

Mangoes will help keep your bearded dragon hydrated and healthy.

How Much Mango Can A Beardie Eat?

It’s best to start small and increase the serving over time.

For starters, remove the peel and the seed from the mango.

Once it’s prepared, cut up a mango into tiny bite-sized pieces, and feed your beardie one of them.

If there are no adverse effects after 24 hours or so, you can likely increase this to two or three pieces.

Every beardie reacts differently to certain foods, so take things slow and see how yours reacts!

How Often Can Bearded Dragons Eat Mango?

As we previously stated, your bearded dragon should eat mango in moderation for a few different reasons.

For example, a small portion of mango every month is okay for your beardie, which will keep you on the safe side.

High sugar

Mangoes are high in sugar, which is the main reason you have to moderate how much you feed to your beardie.

While a tiny amount of sugar is okay for beardies, too much of it may cause problems such as weight gain, diabetes, and potentially harming your beardies teeth.

Your bearded dragon shouldn’t have a lot of sugar, since it can cause an array of health issues.

High phosphorus to calcium ratio

While both phosphorus and calcium are important for beardies, too much phosphorus can interfere with calcium absorption.

This can lead to problems such as metabolic bone disease, which weakens the bones and makes them more susceptible to fractures.

Most experts recommend phosphorus to calcium ratio of 1:1 or 2:1, while mangoes have a phosphorus to calcium ratio of about 1:1, with slightly more phosphorus.

Since your beardie won’t get much calcium from mangoes, they should eat it in moderation.

Vitamin A

While there isn’t much Vitamin A in mangoes, too much Vitamin A can be toxic.

So if your beardie has too much of it, it may cause issues such as osteoporosis and congenital disabilities.

It’s unlikely to reach harmful levels by eating fruits like mangoes, but it’s something worth considering.

How Can I Feed My Bearded Dragons Mango?

Before preparing a mango for your beardie, make sure the mango is healthy and thoroughly cleaned.

Although organic mangoes are the safest, non-organic mangoes are more common.

Either way, it’s best practice to clean whatever fruit you’re feeding your beardie!

Once it’s cleaned, you’ll want to peel the skin and remove the seed from the center of the mango.

Lastly, cut it up into small bite-sized pieces for your bearded dragon to eat.

Remember to start with a small serving to see how your beardie reacts!

Two cut-up mangoes.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Dried Mango?

As a general rule of thumb, bearded dragons should not eat frozen or dried fruits.

You should be feeding your beardie fresh mangoes instead of dried or frozen mangoes.

Final thoughts

Mangoes can be a healthy and delicious treat for your bearded dragon!

Just remember to feed it in moderation, as too much sugar or Vitamin A can be harmful.

Prepare the mangoes properly by peeling the skin and deseeding them.

Once prepared, simply cut it into tiny pieces to avoid any choking hazards.

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